Art for Inclusion

Hope In Purple Crayon:

Hope in a Purple Crayon is a year-long initiative designed to bridge and support the well-being and social inclusion of LGBTQIA+ survivors of gender-based violence in India. This is a pilot to build a pedagogy using different modalities of art, visual arts, music, dance, theatre, and play to address challenges related to body image issues, gender dysphoria, and reclaiming ownership of one's body.

Why is Hope in a Purple Crayon Needed:

LGBTQIA+ individuals are nearly four times more likely to experience gender-based violence (GBV) compared to the general population. This violence can take many forms, including natal violence (violence based on assigned sex at birth), gender dysphoria, and emotional abuse. In India, societal stigma surrounding LGBTQIA+ identities creates a significant barrier for survivors seeking help. This stigma can lead to marginalization and isolation, further hindering healing.

Compounding this issue is the lack of trauma-informed resources specifically designed to support LGBTQIA+ survivors of GBV. This critical care gap leaves many survivors without the tools and support they need to heal.

Hope in a Purple Crayon: Bridging the Gap

This is where Hope in a Purple Crayon steps in. Our program addresses the specific needs of LGBTQIA+ survivors in India by creating a safe space and fostering collective healing.

Our Method:

This creative and innovative project utilizes art-based interventions (Art practices for Inclusion) specifically for LGBTQIA+ survivors. The program will:

  • Enhance emotional regulation skills and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • Equip participants with self-care practices and boundary-setting skills.
  • Build a safe and supportive community for collective healing.
  • Develop a unique pedagogy for future use by other organizations.

Ultimately, we aim to bridge the gap between national and grassroots support systems for LGBTQIA+ survivors in India, ensuring a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to healing and empowerment.

Impact Beyond the Participants:

Replicable Program Design: The program's curriculum and teaching methods are designed to be easily adapted for future workshops with various survivor groups facing gender-based violence.

Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building: Hope in a Purple Crayon is committed to sharing its knowledge and pedagogy with mental health professionals, doctors, legal professionals, and caregivers.

Hear From Our Beneficiaries:  

Kabir Dalit Trans Man

When I heard about Hope In a Purple Crayon, I instantly resonated with it. Throughout the sessions, the trauma and the emotions that I didn't acknowledge or share with someone came to the surface. Each session was therapeutic and filled with knowledge & I was particularly surprised how

Meenakshi Queer Woman

I heard about hope in a purple crayon, there were three interesting words - Hope, Purple, and Crayon, and being a person who loves to play with colors and lives with hope, this was the catch that got me. Having experienced 13 sessions of it, I feel like it is something that I didn't know I needed, it is giving me all those vibes and space to heal myself kind of and be there for myself and the community of hope in a purple crayon as well..